
Compensation Claim: How a Lawyer Can Help You

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Compensation Claim: How a Lawyer Can Help You

My name is Fran. When I was involved in a road traffic accident, my world was all shook up. Not only did I have to spend some time in the hospital, meaning that I couldn't go to work, I also had to deal with the insurance company. All of this would have been overwhelming if it wasn't for the fact I had some legal help. I had never had to instruct a lawyer to act on my behalf, but it turned out to be the best thing I ever did. My lawyer was able to file a claim for compensation which covered the cost of my medical care and the earnings I had lost due to my injury. Now I am back to full health, so I decided to start this blog to help people who need a lawyer.


3 Common Misconceptions Regarding Property Division in Divorce

According to family lawyers, divorces can test the patience of even the most hardened individual. People that do not know how to handle the situation or don't have systems to help them through the process are bound to make critical mistakes. Part of these mistakes is relying on misconceptions with regard to property division. If you are on the verge of a divorce, you should be aware of these misconceptions to make the right choices. Read More 

How to Shield the Kids From Harm During Your Separation

In religious and societal terms, marriage may be considered to be for life. However, things do not always work out this way in a large number of these situations, and the union can devolve into acrimony, dispute and uncertainty. If the two individuals in question were yet to raise a family, then there's always a way out and an ability for these two to go their separate ways. But if there are kids in the equation, the situation is very different, and it's important for the adults to turn this into as seamless a transition as possible. Read More